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In Germany inspection documents (certificate types) were originally specified in standard DIN 50049. The definitions of material testing and certificate types in DIN 50049 was adopted for European standard EN 10204, first published in 1991.Certificate types 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.1C and 3.2 were defined, closely following the definitions in the German standard.EN 10204 was revised in 2004 and published as BSEN 10204 in October 2004 with a simplified range of inspection documents (certificate types).These now only include types 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2. Type 2.3 has been deleted.Type 3.1 replaces 3.1BType 3.2 replaces 3.1A, 3.1C and 3.2 of the previous edition.This reduced range of options should be easier to understand and work with.When this standard and certificate type is shown, it only refers to the certificate type and not the steel standard. This should be covered separately eg BSEN 10088-2, for stainless steel sheet or plate type products
Each of the certificate types has a reference number, which has both its content and 'validation' requirements described in the standard in Appendix A, Table A.1. These descriptions are sometimes a little difficult to interpret and need some additional interpretation. The table below shows the full range of current (C) and withdrawn (W) EN 10204 certificate types, with some interpretation of what they cover. In any case of dispute however the descriptions given in Table A.1 of EN 10204:2004 should be used.
When the 3.2 certificate type is requested the manufacturing mill may prepare a 3.1 type certificate to present to the 'outside inspector' to use as a basis for preparing the independent 3.2 certificate. Only the 3.2 certificate is valid however for the ordered requirements and to match the product marking and inspectors stamp.
In Germany inspection documents (certificate types) were originally specified in standard DIN 50049. The definitions of material testing and certificate types in DIN 50049 was adopted for European standard
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